Dissapointing to say the least. It was rushed and scattered and chaotic and kinda just a big mess. No one really got to visit anyone ...I didn't get any pictures (I had anticipated many) and everyone seemed to be on edge and at everyones throats. And no one really knew what the heck was going on at any given time. so yeah it just wasn't what I had planned at all for my first real visit home. But then God reminded me that thats why I should let Him make the plans. That just 'coz I want something to work out doesn't mean it will. and that I really need to just go with the flow and take life as it comes and I will be a lot happier. I'm looking forward to that. Also ..the less I feel I have to control the less I have weighing upon my shoulders thinking that I am responsible for every little thing that goes wrong in the world. WOW! what a relief. He's told me this a million times before as have my mom and grandparents and countless friends and leaders but it never really sunk in. I think that this time it will stick though. And that in itself is a miracle. I realized while being at home, that life just doesn't wait for you ...so if you've got things left unsaid you better say them. sins needing forgiven ...get crackin cuz honestly we really don't know if we have tomorrow to do it. and I know that I personally will sleep better at night, knowing that if I don't wake tomorrow, my family and friends will know that I loved them. So much is changing so quickly and years are flying by like minutes and its a scary and sobering thought to think of all the opportunities I've wasted and all the times I could've been used more to God's glory ....and satan would like to make that the end .....he would like me to accept defeat and give up thinking I'm a hopeless wretch. But I know better. cuz God says that that past is behind. It can't hold me back. & I am now finally at the point where I will refuse to let a "bleak past hinder my bright and prosperous future" regardless of my momentary circumstances. so yeah thats my shpeal for now. Ill write later about camp but for now I need to do something at least slightly half productive.......Later
Norma Jean
- Susan commented:
hey gorgeous..this is me, being productive!! I"m so excited we are both at the point where we KNOW God is in control..and I'm really very blessed to have you in my life to remind me that when I am being stubborn and pigheaded. Don't worry, I'll be sure to remind you too. I'm excited for what God has for us..we are going to be used mightly!! And just remember, if God couldn't use us so mightly satan wouldn't have to attack us so fiercly!! But, we are bigger and stronger than he will EVER be, so I just say right now satan get behind us cuz you SUCK! HA...weee..oh man, one two and God!! Thats us my dear!! I love you to pieces, don't even forget it anyways
- » 5:24 PM