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All I need is a husband and a house
kinda just like a journal...a place I can be me, a place to just think outloud....a place to let the world know a little about my life.
My Photo
Location: Kindersley

I finally have a job that I love and am really happy about it. I have 3 younger brothers and a younger sister. I love them all very much ..My family is very important to me ... I have unruely fro-ish hair but I'm finally okay with that now. Um yeah ..i never know what to write in these things

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    Thursday, December 14, 2006

    I updated. ..or should i say ..wrote some random thoughts on my other blog...check it ot. www.myspace.com/missnormarenee
    love yas
    hey ...9 sleeps till christmas!!!.

    link | posted by Norma Jean at 10:08 PM

    Monday, November 20, 2006
    Its been a while

    Sorry I haven't updated this in forever. But I didn't think anyone read this one anymore. or ever for that matter. so ...Joe wasn't number one..Chris young is..but thats fine with me too. Joe placed number 6...which out of like a hundred thats pretty good. anyhoo. Quite a bit has happened in my world since that last blog. I think most importantly I have a new outlook on life. Ive finaly come to the realization that life is too short to be miserable. And, yes, I know I've said that before. But this time im actually taking action to back that up. Im more spontaneous and fun. I actually live in the moment. Im not worried about what tomorrow will bring and I have no regrets from yesterday. I've actually been able to just LET GO and LIVE!!!! and let me tell ya ...its AWESOME!!!. its so nice to not feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. Its so nice to not have to worry about who im impressing or disappointing or whatever.. ya know. Im just me and that's all Im ever gonna be ...I hope to be a better me everyday ..but thats for me to determine not you to judge. I haven't been back to church yet. But I have been reading my Bible. Not from a "discipleship" standpoint ..moreso just as a piece of literature..and here's the funny thing. .. I've gotten more out of it and it makes more sense..Just reading it ..Then it ever did when I was "studying" it, and searching so desperately for Gods will and answers and what have you. Don't worry I'm not going all hardcore and uber fanatic or anything again, its just nice for things to make sense. Its nice to find a balance. Its also nice to have a life. Coming to the realization that drinking is not a sin and bars are not satans hide out..I've actually had a lot of fun in the last couple months..most of it good clean fun..and haven't felt guilty over it at all. Wow GO ME! I used to have a major guilt complex. (ask anyone who truly knew me) anyway that's besides the point... Point is ...I've had a lot of fun ..and its been really great to reconnect with old friends. And I'm just so happy to be free. Free from everything.... Me and God are still working out some issues...but that, again, is for me and God to work out. I don't need people telling me what I should or need or am supposed to do. And how disappointing I am to the missions world. Get over it. I need to learn things at my own pace. and figure things out in a way I understand them. Not just naively believe everything that's told to me by some superior. Why I felt the need to go that direction im not sure...Maybe its because all my churchy friends have been asking how im doing. and don't really believe me when I say I'm great, because it never used to be true. I really am great though and Im not going to apologize, even though I know you're all so very disappointed with me for associating myself with worldly folk. Thats not my problem or stress case anymore. Anyway ..This blog was supposed to have been an update...and it turned into a bit of a rant. No surprise. but its a blog nonetheless. And I did update you. Hit me with some comments. Id be glad to read em.
    Miss Norma Jean

    link | posted by Norma Jean at 6:59 PM

    Monday, August 14, 2006
    No average Joe!

    So I just submitted my vote for Joe Nichols to be named Countrys Hottest Bachelor, as well as my subscription to country weekly magazine. And it's got to be said, I would not feel one bit of remorse for taking Joe off the market. LOl ...hes so beautiful and lets face it, the boy can sing. Anyhow..for anyone checking up, I didnt get to enjoy my days at the lake like my last blog anticipated. I spent the first day in the cabin sleeping with a brain splitting headache and then the next day it was freakin cold, so once again, I spent zilch time on the beach. Anyhoo I had today off and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I even died my hair in celebration of how great it felt to not have had to get up at 5 am and go to work til 11 pm. I also wore a skirt and dangly earrings. (anyone who knows me knows that those are my little splurges that make me feel beautiful and girly) Anyway thats my blog for now. Take care yall
    Love and Hugs
    Miss Norma

    link | posted by Norma Jean at 8:40 PM

    Monday, July 17, 2006
    For Anyone Who Cares...

    I'm going to be at the lake for 2 days. And I'm going to love every friggin second. Not that any of you actually care or that you'll miss me. I just figured I'd add that ...seeing as everyone else in the world is allowed to write whatever they want, however boring it may be, on their blogs ...so thats what Im doing for 2 days ....laying on the beach ...getting a tan I hope. and eating lots of icecream. chillin with my sister. And yes I do have a sister. okay ..thats it ...Buh bye

    link | posted by Norma Jean at 4:27 PM

    Friday, June 30, 2006
    This is a hell of an hour to be getting the mail!

    Lol. That was one of the things that made my mom and sister and I chuckle on our midnight walk last night. It was grad so the partiers were out in full swing on main... it just struck us funny that thats what they picked up on ....that we were getting the mail. Moms like "we're just beating the morning rush don't ya know". There was also an old herse burning rubber. That was weird ..don't worry tho it hasnt been used for the transporting of coffins for at least a good decade. Man I realize that I havn't updated in a long time. And as I'm going through my day alot of ideas and things I want to blog about strike me. However when I do finally get to the computer all that has totally left me. I think my brain is under too much stress. I read in a study that multitasking actually lowers your IQ and your brains capacity to function quickly. It also lowers your alertness significantly. Thats a scary thought. I was the multitaskinng queen for a good long time and now I can't even remember to remind a coworker to call home at a certain time. and I draw blanks constantly..I can't remember song lyrics like I used to ..Its seriously scary. I go to say a word and it won't come out of my mouth ...I just totally cant think of it. i feel like im losing my mind. Anyway that blank has been drawn again and I don't have the slightest clue what the next topic of this blog was so yeah ..laters ...Sorry not much and not interesting ...Ill try harder next time i promise. Love and hugs. EnJay

    link | posted by Norma Jean at 9:51 PM

    Tuesday, May 02, 2006
    Nashville Star and other things.....

    Yeah yeah a cop out I know ..but like I have time to mantain 2 seperate blogs.....wait till i get back and have more of a normal life k? so here it is. my pasted entry from my other blog. Love yas.....
    so I just got back from the store with my momma getting some last minute things for my trip and I was just in time to see Chris Young crowned as this years Nashville star!! He had my vote from the beginning so it was nice to see him win. For those of you not in the know Nashville Star is country musics version of American Idol but they have different celebrity judges every week...like for instance last week was Velvet Revolver. I love 'em. Yeha Im a little bit country little bit rock and roll as long as its real and real good. lol ....anyway I'm feeling quite pleased with myself because I have this whole evening to just laze about and relax. I took in a juggler comedian show earlier with the family which was very good and Danny took us all out for supper. I'm all packed with pounds to spare so I'm feeling really good about that because normally when plans change and I have more time than I originally had been told I go crazy and unpack and repack ...i havnt ....yet. I had to repack my carry on becuase mine was too big but that was done by 3:30 so all I have to do tomorrow is get up, shower, and enjoy the drive to Lloyd. I'll spend the afternoon hanging out with my dad and then he'll drop me off at the church and from there I don't really know what. Im in the hands of Pastor Lyles plans so that could be anything....and changing by the minute lol. But its great ..I need some spontineity back in my life. I've become very accustomed to my routines and schedules and stuff. so yeha ...this whole not know anything is a bit of a test for me but that;s okay too because it will make the trip more enjoyable. Anyway I should toodle ..I have to phone my aunt and wish her a belated happy birthday and then I think the siblings and I are watching a movie and curling up with a cup of tea. Perfect! So until I get back ...take care my loyal readers. Normsie

    link | posted by Norma Jean at 8:51 PM

    Monday, April 10, 2006
    okay Lynns you're not gonna believe this

    But I'm totally already over it! I told you it would pass. but it still felt amazing at the time. so yeah ....I suppose I should fill the rest of you in ....Last night for the first time in months I was giddy and excited. Over a stupid thing ...a boy...but the point of the matter is I was excited and happy about something once again. It felt so good. Now this said boy is really not stupid ..he just doesnt know I exist but thats okay.... I was going to feel bad about gushing to Lynns but then I was like no ...this is stupid. its just a silly crushy moment ....one of which I havn't had since Dierks Bentley ....(hey a girl can dream can't she) well anyway I knew it wasn't going to become anything but it was nice to think of the possibilities. I got thinking last night while walking that in the last few months ive become (scratch that ..I BECAME) the most depressing, unhappy, joy lacking person I have ever encountered. And I realized I don't want to live that way ...No matter how bad life is ...it can always get worse so be thankful to be alive anyway...I just couldnt see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had some really dark glasses on...seriously I scared myself. now, I'm not back to the completely bubbly person I was before but I'm on my way. These things take time..I can't just sleep on it and be done with it. I gotta work through it ..but I will and I am ..and thats good enough for the time being. I just feel like writing and writing but this would be a longer more boring blog than it already is ....plus I'm going to try to stick to just one subject so the rest of this will have to wait for another blog ..but thats okay ..then I can narrow down the thoughts ...anyway the point of this blog was to just say how nice it was to be happy again...like just stupidly, pure and simply happy. Even if it was for the most stupid and immature of reasons...I know Lynnsey was thinking good greif woman get ahold of yourself and shut up ....but even in spite of that i know she was thouroghly entertained by my ramblings and most likely happy that I'm no longer just sitting and stewing in my unhappiness. so thanx for letting me ramble Lynns and don't worry tonight there will be no talk of boys....unless to devise our evil scheme to convice Grant hes acutally crazy ..but we can work that out later....okay ...I'm done now I think ..at least for this hour. thanx for listening ....and do comment....or just say hi ..that would be cool too ...oh yeah and if you have myspace please add me...Im still a little computer illiterate when it comes to those thingers ..so go ahead and add me friends...ill have pictures up soon.... www.myspace.com/missnormarenee okey dokey ...okay....yeah ...i had to use my real name becuase norma jean was already taken ...apparently its a band...Im not sure ..i should look into that ...or if any of you have info please feel free to share. but yeah ...anyway add me and have a great evening if I'm not talking to you again .....heres to being happy!
    Love Norma

    link | posted by Norma Jean at 4:38 PM

    32 (thirty-two)

    Thats how many hours I put in this weekend and 6 is the number of hours I slept. And man alive it takes its toll on my poor body.. every muscle for sure is aching and even some of my bones....mostly in my feet, legs and back...but get this ..the surprising bit of it all is that I don't really feel bad ...I oddly enough feel good...and healthy. LIke no pain no gain. its strange to me to actually have some amount of energy again. I'm really excited to go to Israel and I know its going to be worth all the maga hours I've been putting in in order to pay for it, but sometimes I just wonder "is it really going to be worth it?" or am I just trying to convince myself. Like am I going to be completely worn out by the time May rolls around and be too tired to enjoy myself. But then common sense takes over and as long as I have anything to do about it then I will definately enjoy the trip. im not being stupid about this and working like a dog on the assurance "that GOd will restore my health and sleep" and all that. I've learned the hard way thats not always the case. So I'm the only one that can make this happen. I know my limits. I know when I need to slow down ....and unfortunately nows the time when I can afford it the least. But like I said everything will be fine. I had today off which was super nice. I slept alot (well alot for me ...6 consecutive hours and then a 2 hour nap on the couch ...mmm i love naps...anyway) ... now I'm going to walk downtown and look at the new pets and get the mail. Fresh air always makes me feel good. ...especially when it's going to rain...and its definately going to rain before the day is over. And pets...well theyre just so darn cute you'd have to be really cold hearted to not feel good after holding a puppy. well thats all for now. later. EnJay

    link | posted by Norma Jean at 3:00 PM

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